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Kpl is a program for two- and three-dimensional graphical presentation of data sets and functions. Moreover multidimensional nonlinear parameter fits of functions to data sets can be performed using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. Also general linear least square parameter fits are possible. A D-Bus interface can be used to control Kpl by other applications and scripts.
All settings necessary for a complete description of the presentation can be saved in plot files. These files as well as data files may be chosen by command line parameters, using the File menu, or by drag and drop.
Automatic scaling and normalization allow the easy graphical presentation of data. Also parameter fits can be performed automatically.
The settings of a presentation may be changed using dialogs for editing the plot items. Additional data sets and functions can be displayed in the same as well as in different data windows.
Version 6.0 (December 26, 2024)
Version for KDE Frameworks 6
Fitting of too much parameters is prevented
Corrected setting of page format combo box to defaults in setting dialog
25 years of Kpl
Version 5.0 (January 8, 2017)
Version for KDE Frameworks 5
Different line types selectable for arrow, arc, rectangle, and ellipse items
Export as PDF, PNG, PPM, BMP, JPEG, TIFF, or SVG image file
Improved calculation of bounding box
Version 4.1 (June 21, 2015)
Library split-off for use of Kpl graphics in other applications
Multiple function items can be fitted simultaneously to the same array item
New D-Bus function addFunFitItem
D-Bus function addSplineFitItems renamed to addSplineFitItem
Improved logarithmic autoscaling
Improved selection of function library files
Function libraries are reloaded when plot files are reloaded
Module definition files no longer necessary for selection of functions
Multithreading used optionally for evaluation of 2D and 3D functions
Improved Autoplot and Autofit setting dialogs
Pattern fill style can be preset for Autoplot and Autofit settings
Czech translation
Version 4.0 (June 14, 2011)
Version for KDE 4
K menu entry moved to category Education/Mathematics
Status bar shows informations about item under mouse pointer
Coordinates in arrow dialog now can be entered as those of head, center or end
Double headed checkbox in arrow dialog
Image items can be rotated
Parameter files may contain empty lines and comment lines (starting with #)
Parameter files with more than one column are loaded correctly
Item list can now be docked at the main window
Cut, copy and paste of items, also between different instances of Kpl
Export file type can be selected to be Encapsulated PostScript or PostScript
PostScript preview uses the program currently associated to PostScript files
D-Bus interface
Version 3.3 (December 28, 2005)
Multiple spline items can be fitted simultaneously to the same array item
x and y values of array, function, and spline items can be shifted
Square checkbox in rectangle dialog, circle checkbox in ellipse dialog, circular arc checkbox in arc dialog
Colored symbol pixmaps are displayed in item list
Text of legend and text items is displayed in item list
Buttons of items dialog are disabled when action cannot be applied
Relative symbol size can be preset in Autoplot settings
Notifications about completed plots and parameter fits can be set
Needs KDE 3.x
Version 3.2 (February 7, 2004)
Pattern filled areas given by arrays, functions, splines, rectangles and ellipses
New item for embedding of EPS image files
New scale bar item
New DCOP functions for image and scale bar items
PostScript preview
Option to print PostScript output files
Frame items can be kept closed in tree view
Error model function argument for parameter fits or smoothing spline fits can be chosen to be x or y column
Decimal symbol of data files can be chosen to be point or comma (needs KDE 3.1)
Context menu for visible items
NaN (not a number) and inf (infinity) in data files are ignored in plots
K menu entry moved to category Office
Spanish translation
Version 3.1 (April 2, 2003)
Root finding for functions and cubic splines
Items can be moved by drag and drop within the item list
New or copied items can be inserted before the current item
Middle mouse button can be used to rescale a frame
Format and precision settings now affect function range values
Version 3.0 (September 30, 2002)
Version for KDE 3
New items for 3D surface plots of arrays and functions
New item for smoothing spline interpolation
New decoration item: arc
Rectangle and ellipse items can be rotated
New DCOP functions for 3D, spline, and arc items
Autoscaling reflects only the ranges of active items
Symbol size can be set individually for each array, function, or legend item
Combobox for several standard page formats
x-axis and y-axis can be placed on both sides
First numbers on x- and y-axis dont have to be at left or bottom end, respectively
Parameter fits for huge and tiny data values improved
Version 2.3.0 (October 12, 2001)
Needs KDE 2.2
Residuals of parameter fits can be displayed
Arrays optionally can be saved within plot files
Separator for exported files can be set
Parameters of function items can be applied directly
New DCOP function: activateItem()
Improved selection and activation in dialog Items
Dialogs improved for KDE standard compliance
Return type of boolean DCOP functions changed to int to avoid problems
Version 2.2 (May 22, 2001)
Data and plot files optionally can be added to the current plot
New decoration items: text, line, arrow, rectangle, ellipse
Position of items can be changed by dragging with the mouse
Reload button in Array dialog
Empty lines in data files are ignored
x-axis and y-axis can optionally be placed on top side or on right side, respectively
Japanese translation
Version 2.1.1 (January 27, 2001)
Bug fixes
Version 2.1 (January 22, 2001)
DCOP interface
Logarithmic scales
Only modified files are reloaded periodically
Position of toolbar saved in configuration file
Improved New Item dialog
New array or function items inherit the normalization factors of preceeding items
Version 2.0 (November 21, 2000)
Needs KDE 2.0, optimized for KDE 2
Toolbar configuration item in Settings menu
Save absolute paths item in Settings menu
Improved double value input validation
Spinboxes in array dialog are updated
Unicode text in .plo files (recode your old .plo files to UTF8 when they contain non-ASCII characters)
Size of dialog windows can be changed
Polish translation
Version 1.2 (August 10, 2000)
Undo/Redo Actions
Package for KDE 2 beta available
Version 1.1 (May 5, 2000)
Multidimensional parameter fits
Improved parameter fit dialog
Increased printing resolution
Both portrait and landscape PostScript output
More examples
Version 1.0 (February 21, 2000)
Buttons to open symbol selection dialog show actual symbol
Improved internationalization
Extended help
More examples
Version 0.4 (January 14, 2000)
General linear least square parameter fit
Long parameter fit runs can be terminated by user
Output format for parameter files and dialogs can be changed
Output format for status bar is set according to screen resolution
Item dialog is modeless now
Multiple input files at commandline and at Drag and Drop
Both KDE and Qt Drag and Drop protocols supported
Session management
Function value buffers for faster redrawing
More example functions
Version 0.3 (September 28, 1999)
Plot items can be deactivated to hide them (temporarily)
Sequence of plot items can be changed easily
Improved reading of plot files by use of KSimpleConfig
New plot files save the (de)activation state of items
Improved recognition of .plo files by file name
No multiselection necessary for parameter fitting when only one function and one array item are present
Version 0.2 (July 29, 1999)
Needs KDE 1.1
Powered by KDevelop
Nonlinear parameter fit
Positions of menu bar and toolbar saved in configuration file
Popup menus with icons
Statusbar includes short help
Close item in File menu
Open Recent item in File menu
(De)activation of unsaved changes warning
Menu and toolbar items for magnification increasing/decreasing
Configure Key Bindings item in Options menu
Context menu
Improved painting by use of pixmap buffer
Function parameters may be saved separately in ASCII files
Function values may be exported in ASCII files
Optional display of function source in parameter dialogs
Optional calculation of bounding box for PostScript files (using Ghostscript)
MimeType for kpl plot files
Version 0.1 (April 13, 1999, first release)
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