libkpl  6.0
A Library for Graphical Presentation of Data Sets and Functions
Fun3DItem Class Reference

3D function item class. More...

#include <fun3ditem.h>

Inheritance diagram for Fun3DItem:

Public Types

enum  { Type = UserType + Function3D }
 Specific QGraphicsItem type number for function type() More...
- Public Types inherited from ThreeDItem
enum  Mode3D { AlongX , AlongZ , Grid }
 3D mode. More...
- Public Types inherited from FrameItem
enum  GridMode {
  FrameOnly , Axes , AxesWithLabels , Grid ,
 Grid mode. More...
enum  { Type = UserType + Frame }
 Specific QGraphicsItem type number for function type() More...
- Public Types inherited from KplItem
enum  FillStyle {
  NoBrush , SolidPattern , HorPattern , VerPattern ,
  CrossPattern , BDiagPattern , FDiagPattern , DiagCrossPattern
 Fill styles. More...
enum  ItemType {
  Frame = 1 , Array , Function , ParFunction ,
  Spline , Array3D , Function3D , Legend ,
  Text , Line , Arrow , Arc ,
  Rectangle , Ellipse , Image , ScaleBar
 Item types. More...
enum  PenType { FramePen , GridPen , DataPen }
 Pen types. More...
enum  Symbol {
  Invisible = -17 , FilledOctagon , FilledHourglass , FilledTriangle ,
  FilledSquare , FilledDiamond , FilledCircle , Umbrella ,
  Ypsilon , Plus , Cross , OpenOctagon ,
  OpenHourglass , OpenTriangle , OpenSquare , OpenDiamond ,
  Dot , OpenCircle , SolidLine , DashLine1 ,
  DashLine2 , DotLine1 , DashLine3 , DashDotLine ,
  DashLine4 , DashLine5 , DotLine2
 Symbol types. More...

Public Member Functions

 Fun3DItem (double x0=4, double y0=3, double width=15, double height=10, unsigned colorFrame=0, unsigned colorGrid=0, unsigned colorData=0, bool logX=false, bool logY=false, bool logZ=false, GridMode gridMode=AxesWithLabels, Mode3D mode3D=Grid, double xMax=15, double yMax=10, double zMax=15, const QString &textX=QString(), const QString &textY=QString(), const QString &textZ=QString(), const QString &header=QString(), double relSize=1, int numDigX=-1, int numDigY=-1, int numDigZ=-1, int minTicX=5, int minTicY=2, int minTicZ=5, int expX=0, int expY=0, int expZ=0, double xMin=0, double yMin=0, double zMin=0, double xTic=5, double yTic=2, double zTic=5, double deltaX=0, double deltaZ=0, double phi=20, double theta=-20, double bx=7.5, double by=7.5, double bz=7.5, double xr=7.5, double yr=4, double fx=1, double fy=1, double fz=1, const QString &name=QString(), const QUrl &url=QUrl(), bool showFrame=true, bool collapsed=false, bool visible=true)
 Fun3DItem (const Fun3DItem &f)
 Copy constructor.
 Fun3DItem (const KConfigGroup *plo, const QUrl &urlPlo, double x0=4, double y0=3, double width=15, double height=10, unsigned colorFrame=0, unsigned colorGrid=0, unsigned colorData=0, GridMode gridMode=AxesWithLabels)
 ~Fun3DItem ()
int calcTable () const
 Calculates function value table.
void exportTable (QTextStream &stream, char separator, char format, int precision) const
 Exports function value table to file.
const QLibrary * libY () const
 Returns pointer to library for y function.
QString nameY () const
 Returns y function name.
virtual void paint (QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget=nullptr) override
 Paints item.
double * parY ()
 Returns y function parameter array pointer.
bool setFuncY (const QUrl &url, const QString &name)
 Resolves y function address.
void setPar (int i, double value)
 Sets parameter.
virtual int type () const override
 Returns specific QGraphicsItem type number.
void update ()
 Applies changes and forces redrawing.
const QUrl & urlY () const
 Returns URL of y function library.
void writePlo (KConfigGroup *plo, const QUrl &urlPlo, bool absolute, char format, int precision) const
 Writes into plot file.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThreeDItem
 ThreeDItem (double x0=4, double y0=3, double width=15, double height=10, unsigned colFrame=0, unsigned colGrid=0, unsigned colData=0, bool logX=false, bool logY=false, bool logZ=false, GridMode gridMode=AxesWithLabels, Mode3D mode3D=Grid, double xMax=15, double yMax=10, double zMax=15, const QString &textX=QString(), const QString &textY=QString(), const QString &textZ=QString(), const QString &header=QString(), double relSize=1, int numDigX=-1, int numDigY=-1, int numDigZ=-1, int minTicX=5, int minTicY=2, int minTicZ=5, int expX=0, int expY=0, int expZ=0, double xMin=0, double yMin=0, double zMin=0, double xTic=5, double yTic=2, double zTic=5, double deltaX=0, double deltaZ=0, double phi=20, double theta=-20, double boxX=7.5, double boxY=7.5, double boxZ=7.5, double xRef=7.5, double yRef=4, double fx=1, double fy=1, double fz=1, bool showFrame=true, bool collapsed=false, bool visible=true)
 ThreeDItem (const ThreeDItem &a)
 Copy constructor.
 ThreeDItem (const KConfigGroup *plo, double x0, double y0, double width, double height, unsigned colorFrame, unsigned colorGrid, unsigned colorData, GridMode gridMode)
 ~ThreeDItem ()
virtual QRectF boundingRect () const override
 Calculates bounding rectangle.
double boxX () const
 Returns x box width in cm.
double boxY () const
 Returns y box width in cm.
double boxZ () const
 Returns z box width in cm.
unsigned colorData () const
 Returns color for data.
double deltaX () const
 Returns x step size of grid.
double deltaZ () const
 Returns z step size of grid.
void exportTable (QTextStream &stream, char separator, char format, int precision) const
 Exports value table to file.
int expZ () const
 Returns logarithm of normalization factor for z axis.
double fX () const
 Returns normalization factor for x values.
double fY () const
 Returns normalization factor for y values.
double fZ () const
 Returns normalization factor for z values.
bool logZ () const
 Returns true for logarithmic z axis.
int minTicZ () const
 Returns number of intervals between major tics of z axis.
Mode3D mode3D () const
 Returns 0 for lines parallel to x, 1 for lines parallel to z, 2 for x,z grid.
int numDigZ () const
 Returns number of digits for z axis.
void paintCond (QPainter *painter, PSGraph *ps=nullptr) const
 Paints or calculates bounding area.
double phi () const
 Returns angle of rotation about y axis in deg.
void setBoxX (double width)
 Sets x box width in cm.
void setBoxY (double width)
 Sets y box width in cm.
void setBoxZ (double width)
 Sets z box width in cm.
void setColorData (unsigned color)
 Sets color for data.
void setDeltaX (double dx)
 Sets x step size of grid.
void setDeltaZ (double dz)
 Sets z step size of grid.
void setExpZ (int e)
 Sets exponent of z normalization factor.
void setFX (double fx)
 Sets x normalization factor.
void setFY (double fy)
 Sets y normalization factor.
void setFZ (double fz)
 Sets z normalization factor.
void setLogZ (bool logZ)
 Sets logarithmic mode of z axis.
void setMinTicZ (int minTicZ)
 Sets number of intervals between major tics of z axis.
void setMode3D (Mode3D mode3D)
 Sets 3D mode.
void setNumDigZ (int numDigZ)
 Sets number of digits for z axis.
void setPhi (double phi)
 Sets angle of rotation about y axis.
void setProperties (const QTransform &m)
 Sets properties according to transformation matrix.
void setShowFrame (bool showFrame)
 Sets frame mode.
void setTextZ (const QString &text)
 Sets z axis text.
void setTheta (double theta)
 Sets angle of rotation about y axis.
void setXRef (double xRef)
 Sets x position of center of box bottom plane.
void setYRef (double yRef)
 Sets y position of center of box bottom plane.
void setZMax (double zMax)
 Sets upper z data limit.
void setZMin (double zMin)
 Sets lower z data limit.
void setZTic (double zTic)
 Sets z tic distance.
bool showFrame () const
 Returns true for shown frame.
QString textZ () const
 Returns z axis text.
double theta () const
 Returns angle of rotation about y axis in deg.
void update ()
 Applies changes and forces redrawing.
void writePlo (KConfigGroup *plo) const
 Writes into plot file.
double xRef () const
 Returns x position of center of box bottom plane.
double yRef () const
 Returns y position of center of box bottom plane.
double ** yValues () const
 Returns pointer to y value array.
double zMax () const
 Returns upper z data limit user units.
double zMin () const
 Returns lower z data limit user units.
double zTic () const
 Returns distance between major tics of z axis.
- Public Member Functions inherited from FrameItem
 FrameItem (double x0=4, double y0=3, double width=15, double height=10, unsigned colorFrame=0, unsigned colorGrid=0, bool logX=false, bool logY=false, GridMode gridMode=AxesWithLabels, double xMax=15, double yMax=10, const QString &textX=QString(), const QString &textY=QString(), const QString &header=QString(), double relSize=1, int numDigX=-1, int numDigY=-1, int minTicX=5, int minTicY=2, int expX=0, int expY=0, double xMin=0, double yMin=0, double xTic=5, double yTic=2, bool collapsed=false, bool visible=true, double xOffset=0, double yOffset=0, bool xBottom=true, bool xTop=false, bool yLeft=true, bool yRight=false)
 FrameItem (const FrameItem &a)
 Copy constructor.
 FrameItem (const KConfigGroup *plo, double x0=4, double y0=3, double width=15, double height=10, unsigned colorFrame=0, unsigned colorGrid=0, GridMode gridMode=AxesWithLabels)
virtual ~FrameItem ()
void autoScale (double xmi, double xma, double fx, double ymi, double yma, double fy)
 Calculates and sets the scaling parameters.
void autoScale (bool autoNorm=true)
 Calculates and sets the scaling parameters.
bool calcAutoScale (bool autoNorm, const QList< QGraphicsItem * > &items, double &fx, double &fy)
 Calculates scaling parameters for a frame item and all its child items.
QRectF clipRect () const
 Returns clipping rectangle.
unsigned colorFrame () const
 Returns color for frame and labels.
unsigned colorGrid () const
 Returns color for grids and tics.
int expX () const
 Returns logarithm of normalization factor for x axis.
int expY () const
 Returns logarithm of normalization factor for y axis.
GridMode gridMode () const
 Returns grid mode.
QString header () const
 Returns heading text.
double height () const
 Returns height in cm.
bool collapsed () const
 Returns collapse state for list view.
bool logX () const
 Returns true for logarithmic x axis.
bool logY () const
 Returns true for logarithmic y axis.
QPointF mapFromUser (const QPointF &p) const
 Maps from user to pixel coordinates.
QPointF mapToUser (const QPointF &p) const
 Maps from pixel to user coordinates.
QRectF mapToUser (const QRectF &rect) const
 Maps from pixel to user coordinates.
int minTicX () const
 Returns number of intervals between major tics of x axis.
int minTicY () const
 Returns number of intervals between major tics of y axis.
double normX () const
 Returns normalization factor for x values.
double normY () const
 Returns normalization factor for y values.
int numDigX () const
 Returns number of digits for x axis.
int numDigY () const
 Returns number of digits for y axis.
QPointF rectPos () const
 Returns position in cm units.
void setColorFrame (unsigned color)
 Sets color for frame and labels.
void setColorGrid (unsigned color)
 Sets color for grids and tics.
void setExpX (int expX)
 Sets exponent of x normalization factor.
void setExpY (int expY)
 Sets exponent of y normalization factor.
void setGridMode (GridMode gridMode)
 Sets grid mode.
void setHeight (double height)
 Sets height.
void setLogX (bool logX)
 Sets logarithmic mode of x axis.
void setLogY (bool logY)
 Sets logarithmic mode of y axis.
void setMinTicX (int minTicX)
 Sets number of intervals between major tics of x axis.
void setMinTicY (int minTicY)
 Sets number of intervals between major tics of y axis.
void setNumDigX (int numDigX)
 Sets number of digits for x axis.
void setNumDigY (int numDigY)
 Sets number of digits for y axis.
void setProperties (const QTransform &m)
 Sets properties according to transformation matrix.
void setHeader (const QString &text)
 Sets heading text.
void setTextX (const QString &text)
 Sets x axis text.
void setTextY (const QString &text)
 Sets y axis text.
void setWidth (double width)
 Sets width.
void setX0 (double x0)
 Sets left page margin.
void setXBottom (bool xBottom)
 Sets bottom side label mode.
void setXMax (double xMax)
 Sets upper x data limit.
void setXMin (double xMin)
 Sets lower x data limit.
void setXOffset (double xOffset)
 Sets x offset.
void setXTic (double xTic)
 Sets x tick distance.
void setXTop (bool xTop)
 Sets top side label mode.
void setY0 (double y0)
 Sets bottom page margin.
void setYLeft (bool yLeft)
 Sets left side label mode.
void setYMax (double yMax)
 Sets upper y data limit.
void setYMin (double yMin)
 Sets lower y data limit.
void setYOffset (double yOffset)
 Sets y offset.
void setYRight (bool yRight)
 Sets right side label mode.
void setYTic (double yTic)
 Sets y tick distance.
QPointF steps () const
 Returns user units steps for one pixel steps.
QString textX () const
 Returns x axis text.
QString textY () const
 Returns y axis text.
void toggleCollapsed ()
 Toggles collapse state.
void update ()
 Applies changes and forces redrawing.
void updatePos (QPointF p)
 Sets position.
bool valid (double x, double y) const
 Checks coordinates for validity.
double width () const
 Returns width in cm.
void writePlo (KConfigGroup *plo) const
 Writes into plot file.
double x0 () const
 Returns left page margin in cm.
bool xBottom () const
 Returns true for x axis labels on bottom side.
double xMax () const
 Returns x value of right data window margin in user units.
double xMin () const
 Returns x value of left data window margin in user units.
double xOffset () const
 Returns offset for first major x tick.
double xTic () const
 Returns distance between major tics of x axis.
bool xTop () const
 Returns true for x axis labels on top side.
double y0 () const
bool yLeft () const
 Returns true for y axis labels on left side.
bool yRight () const
 Returns true for y axis labels on right side.
double yMax () const
 Returns y value of upper data window margin in user units.
double yMin () const
 Returns y value of lower data window margin in user units.
double yOffset () const
 Returns offset for first major y tick.
double yTic () const
 Returns distance between major tics of y axis.
- Public Member Functions inherited from KplItem
 KplItem (double relSize=1)
 KplItem (const KplItem &a)
 Copy constructor.
 KplItem (const KConfigGroup *plo)
virtual ~KplItem ()
void readPlo (const KConfigGroup *plo)
 Initializes corresponding to plot file.
double relSize () const
 Returns relative size of item.
void setRelSize (double relSize)
 Sets relative size of item.
void writePlo (KConfigGroup *plo, bool visible=true) const
 Writes into plot file.

Public Attributes

double(* funcY )(double, double, const double *)

Protected Member Functions

void unload ()
 Unloads y function library.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThreeDItem
void axis3D (QPainter *painter, double vMin, double vMax, double tic, int minTic, double f, double scale, double xAxis, double zAxis, double ticLen, int numDig, Axis axis, bool log, PSGraph *ps=nullptr) const
 Plots 3D axis.
void drawText (QPainter *painter, const QString &text, double x, double y, TextItem::Alignment alignment, PSGraph *ps, double dir=0) const
 Plots text.
void frame3D (QPainter *painter, int iBack, PSGraph *ps=nullptr) const
 Plots 3D frame.
void line3D (QPainter *painter, double x1, double y1, double z1, double x2, double y2, double z2, PSGraph *ps=nullptr) const
 Draws line in 3D space.
void plotArray3D (QPainter *painter, PSGraph *ps=nullptr) const
 Plots 3D data.
void plot3D (QPainter *painter, bool xArray, bool yArray, bool zArray, const double *xData, const double *yData, const double *zData, double xScale, double yScale, double zScale, bool firstLine, int n, double xOffset, double yOffset, double *vertex, PSGraph *ps=nullptr) const
 Plots curve in 3D space.
void plotArray (QPainter *painter, const double *x, const double *y, int n, PSGraph *ps=nullptr) const
 Plots array.
void raster3d (QPainter *painter, PSGraph *ps=nullptr) const
 Draws frame and axes of 3D plot.
void setProperties ()
 Sets properties according to transformation matrix.
double xFrom3d (double x, double z) const
 Calculates 2D x value.
double yFrom3d (double x, double y, double z) const
 Calculates 2D y value.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from FrameItem
void drawText (QPainter *painter, const QString &text, double x, double y, TextItem::Alignment alignment, double dir=0) const
 Plots text.
double incLog (double &x, double f) const
 Increment logarithm for next major axis tick.
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) override
 Updates position.
int number (double v, int numDig, QString &label) const
 Prepares number label.
void paintCond (QPainter *painter) const
 Paints or calculates bounding area.
void setProperties ()
 Sets properties according to transformation matrix.
double tick (double tic, bool log) const
 Calculates actual distance between major tics.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from KplItem
QPen & changePenWidth (QPen &pen, double width) const
 Changes pen width.
QPen createPen (QGraphicsItem *item, unsigned color=0, PenType penType=DataPen, Symbol symbol=SolidLine) const
 Creates pen for plot item.
double penWidth (const QGraphicsItem *item, PenType penType=DataPen) const
 Calculates pen width for plot item.

Protected Attributes

double(* funcYo )(double, double, const double *)
double m_parY [FunItem::NumParMax]
double parYo [FunItem::NumParMax]
QString m_nameY
QUrl m_urlY
QLibrary * m_libY
- Protected Attributes inherited from ThreeDItem
bool m_showFrame
bool m_logZ
bool logXo
bool logZo
int m_numDigZ
int m_minTicZ
int m_expZ
Mode3D m_mode3D
int nx
int nz
unsigned m_colorData
double m_zMin
double m_zMax
double m_deltaX
double m_deltaZ
double m_zTic
double m_phi
double m_theta
double m_boxX
double m_boxY
double m_boxZ
double m_xRef
double m_yRef
double m_fX
double m_fY
double m_fZ
double zminl
double xStep
double zStep
double xMino
double xMaxo
double deltaXo
double zMino
double zMaxo
double deltaZo
double scalx
double scaly
double scalz
double scal3D
double phio
double thetao
double xOff3D
double yOff3D
double ** m_yValues
double vertex [16]
QTransform m3D
QVector< double > yMin3D
QVector< double > yMax3D
QString m_textZ
- Protected Attributes inherited from FrameItem
bool m_logX
bool m_logY
bool m_xBottom
bool m_xTop
bool m_yLeft
bool m_yRight
bool m_collapsed
int m_numDigX
int m_numDigY
int m_minTicX
int m_minTicY
int m_expX
int m_expY
GridMode m_gridMode
unsigned m_colorFrame
unsigned m_colorGrid
double m_x0
double m_y0
double m_width
double m_height
double m_xMin
double m_xMax
double m_yMin
double m_yMax
double m_xTic
double m_yTic
double m_xOffset
double m_yOffset
double m_normX
double m_normY
double xminl
double xmaxl
double yminl
double ymaxl
QString m_textX
QString m_textY
QString m_header
QRectF bRect
QRectF cRect
QTransform md
QTransform m_inv
QTransform m_matrix
- Protected Attributes inherited from KplItem
double m_relSize

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from FrameItem
static void autoScale (double &xMin, double &xMax, double &tick, int &minTic, int &numDig, double xmi, double xma, double f, double c, bool log)
 Calculates scaling parameters.
static bool valid (double v, bool log=false)
 Checks a double value for validity.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from KplItem
static QUrl absoluteUrl (const QString &path, const QUrl &urlPlo)
 Constructs absolute file URL.
static QBrush createBrush (unsigned color, FillStyle fillStyle=NoBrush)
 Creates brush.
static QPen createPen (double width, unsigned color, PenType penType, Symbol symbol)
 Creates pen.
static void paintSymbol (QPainter *painter, const QRectF &rect, Symbol symbol=OpenCircle)
 Paints symbol.
static QPixmap pixmap (Symbol symbol)
 Returns black decoration pixmap of plot symbol for use in dialog GUI.
static QPixmap pixmap (QPen pen, Symbol symbol=SolidLine)
 Returns decoration pixmap of plot symbol for use in item lists.
static QString path (const QUrl &urlPlo, const QUrl &url, bool absolute=false)
 Constructs absolute or (if possible) relative file path.
static void resetDashOffset ()
 Resets offset for dashed lines.
static unsigned rgb (const QString &color)
 Converts rgb string to QRgb.
static unsigned rgbQt1 (unsigned rgb)
 Converts QRgb to Qt1 QRgb.
- Protected Types inherited from ThreeDItem
enum  Axis { X , Y , Z }
 3D mode. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from KplItem
static double parentWidth (const QGraphicsItem *item)
 Returns width of item's parent frame or width of scene if the item has no parent item.
static double penWidthFactor (PenType penType)
 Returns factor to calculate pen width from frame width.
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from KplItem
static double m_dashOffset

Detailed Description

3D function item class.

Provides methods for 3D plotting of functions.

Werner Stille

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Specific QGraphicsItem type number for function type()


Specific QGraphicsItem type number of Fun3DItem for function type().

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Fun3DItem() [1/2]

Fun3DItem::Fun3DItem ( double x0 = 4,
double y0 = 3,
double width = 15,
double height = 10,
unsigned colorFrame = 0,
unsigned colorGrid = 0,
unsigned colorData = 0,
bool logX = false,
bool logY = false,
bool logZ = false,
GridMode gridMode = AxesWithLabels,
Mode3D mode3D = Grid,
double xMax = 15,
double yMax = 10,
double zMax = 15,
const QString & textX = QString(),
const QString & textY = QString(),
const QString & textZ = QString(),
const QString & header = QString(),
double relSize = 1,
int numDigX = -1,
int numDigY = -1,
int numDigZ = -1,
int minTicX = 5,
int minTicY = 2,
int minTicZ = 5,
int expX = 0,
int expY = 0,
int expZ = 0,
double xMin = 0,
double yMin = 0,
double zMin = 0,
double xTic = 5,
double yTic = 2,
double zTic = 5,
double deltaX = 0,
double deltaZ = 0,
double phi = 20,
double theta = -20,
double bx = 7.5,
double by = 7.5,
double bz = 7.5,
double xr = 7.5,
double yr = 4,
double fx = 1,
double fy = 1,
double fz = 1,
const QString & name = QString(),
const QUrl & url = QUrl(),
bool showFrame = true,
bool collapsed = false,
bool visible = true )


Initializes corresponding to arguments.

x0left page margin in centimeters.
y0bottom page margin in centimeters.
widthwidth in centimeters.
heightheight in centimeters.
colorFramecolor for frame and labels.
colorGridcolor for grids and tics.
colorDatacolor for data plot.
logXtrue for logarithmic x axis.
logYtrue for logarithmic y axis.
logZtrue for logarithmic y axis.
gridModegrid mode.
mode3D3D mode.
xMaxmaximum x value.
yMaxmaximum y value.
zMaxmaximum z value.
textXx axis text.
textYy axis text.
textZz axis text.
headerheading text.
relSizerelative size of text, markers and lines.
numDigXnumber of digits for x axis.
numDigYnumber of digits for y axis.
numDigZnumber of digits for z axis.
minTicXnumber of intervals between major tics of x axis.
minTicYnumber of intervals between major tics of y axis.
minTicZnumber of intervals between major tics of z axis.
expXlogarithm of normalization factor for x axis.
expYlogarithm of normalization factor for y axis.
expZlogarithm of normalization factor for z axis.
xMinminimum x value.
yMinminimum y value.
zMinminimum z value.
xTicdistance between major tics of x axis.
yTicdistance between major tics of y axis.
zTicdistance between major tics of z axis.
deltaXx step size.
deltaZz step size.
phiangle of rotation about y axis in deg.
thetatilt angle of y axis in deg.
bxx box width in cm.
byy box width in cm.
bzz box width in cm.
xrx position of center of box bottom plane.
yry position of center of box bottom plane.
fxnormalization factor for x values.
fynormalization factor for y values.
fznormalization factor for z values.
namefunction name.
urlURL of the function library.
showFrametrue to show frame.
collapsedtrue for collapsed in list view.
visibletrue for visible item.

◆ Fun3DItem() [2/2]

Fun3DItem::Fun3DItem ( const KConfigGroup * plo,
const QUrl & urlPlo,
double x0 = 4,
double y0 = 3,
double width = 15,
double height = 10,
unsigned colorFrame = 0,
unsigned colorGrid = 0,
unsigned colorData = 0,
GridMode gridMode = AxesWithLabels )


Initializes corresponding to plot file.

plopointer to KConfigGroup object containing item data.
urlPloURL of plot file.
x0default value for left page margin in centimeters.
y0default value for bottom page margin in centimeters.
widthdefault value for width in centimeters.
heightdefault value for height in centimeters.
colorFramedefault value for color for frame and labels.
colorGriddefault value for color for grids and tics.
colorDatacolor for data plot.
gridModedefault grid mode.

Member Function Documentation

◆ calcTable()

int Fun3DItem::calcTable ( ) const

Calculates function value table.

number of data points.

◆ exportTable()

void Fun3DItem::exportTable ( QTextStream & stream,
char separator,
char format,
int precision ) const

Exports function value table to file.

streamstream for output file.
separatorcolumn separator character.
formatC format character.

◆ paint()

virtual void Fun3DItem::paint ( QPainter * painter,
const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem * option,
QWidget * widget = nullptr )

Paints item.

Reimplemented from ThreeDItem.

◆ setFuncY()

bool Fun3DItem::setFuncY ( const QUrl & url,
const QString & name )

Resolves y function address.

urlURL of the function library.
namefunction name.
true for success.

◆ setPar()

void Fun3DItem::setPar ( int i,
double value )

Sets parameter.

iparameter index.

◆ type()

virtual int Fun3DItem::type ( ) const

Returns specific QGraphicsItem type number.

Reimplemented from FrameItem.

◆ writePlo()

void Fun3DItem::writePlo ( KConfigGroup * plo,
const QUrl & urlPlo,
bool absolute,
char format,
int precision ) const

Writes into plot file.

ploKConfigGroup object.
urlPloURL of plot file.
absolutetrue to save absolute paths.
formatformat character for value display.
precisionprecision (number of digits) for value display.

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