| Fun3DItem (double x0=4, double y0=3, double width=15, double height=10, unsigned colorFrame=0, unsigned colorGrid=0, unsigned colorData=0, bool logX=false, bool logY=false, bool logZ=false, GridMode gridMode=AxesWithLabels, Mode3D mode3D=Grid, double xMax=15, double yMax=10, double zMax=15, const QString &textX=QString(), const QString &textY=QString(), const QString &textZ=QString(), const QString &header=QString(), double relSize=1, int numDigX=-1, int numDigY=-1, int numDigZ=-1, int minTicX=5, int minTicY=2, int minTicZ=5, int expX=0, int expY=0, int expZ=0, double xMin=0, double yMin=0, double zMin=0, double xTic=5, double yTic=2, double zTic=5, double deltaX=0, double deltaZ=0, double phi=20, double theta=-20, double bx=7.5, double by=7.5, double bz=7.5, double xr=7.5, double yr=4, double fx=1, double fy=1, double fz=1, const QString &name=QString(), const QUrl &url=QUrl(), bool showFrame=true, bool collapsed=false, bool visible=true) |
| Constructor.
| Fun3DItem (const Fun3DItem &f) |
| Copy constructor.
| Fun3DItem (const KConfigGroup *plo, const QUrl &urlPlo, double x0=4, double y0=3, double width=15, double height=10, unsigned colorFrame=0, unsigned colorGrid=0, unsigned colorData=0, GridMode gridMode=AxesWithLabels) |
| Constructor.
| ~Fun3DItem () |
| Destructor.
int | calcTable () const |
| Calculates function value table.
void | exportTable (QTextStream &stream, char separator, char format, int precision) const |
| Exports function value table to file.
const QLibrary * | libY () const |
| Returns pointer to library for y function.
QString | nameY () const |
| Returns y function name.
virtual void | paint (QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget=nullptr) override |
| Paints item.
double * | parY () |
| Returns y function parameter array pointer.
bool | setFuncY (const QUrl &url, const QString &name) |
| Resolves y function address.
void | setPar (int i, double value) |
| Sets parameter.
virtual int | type () const override |
| Returns specific QGraphicsItem type number.
void | update () |
| Applies changes and forces redrawing.
const QUrl & | urlY () const |
| Returns URL of y function library.
void | writePlo (KConfigGroup *plo, const QUrl &urlPlo, bool absolute, char format, int precision) const |
| Writes into plot file.
| ThreeDItem (double x0=4, double y0=3, double width=15, double height=10, unsigned colFrame=0, unsigned colGrid=0, unsigned colData=0, bool logX=false, bool logY=false, bool logZ=false, GridMode gridMode=AxesWithLabels, Mode3D mode3D=Grid, double xMax=15, double yMax=10, double zMax=15, const QString &textX=QString(), const QString &textY=QString(), const QString &textZ=QString(), const QString &header=QString(), double relSize=1, int numDigX=-1, int numDigY=-1, int numDigZ=-1, int minTicX=5, int minTicY=2, int minTicZ=5, int expX=0, int expY=0, int expZ=0, double xMin=0, double yMin=0, double zMin=0, double xTic=5, double yTic=2, double zTic=5, double deltaX=0, double deltaZ=0, double phi=20, double theta=-20, double boxX=7.5, double boxY=7.5, double boxZ=7.5, double xRef=7.5, double yRef=4, double fx=1, double fy=1, double fz=1, bool showFrame=true, bool collapsed=false, bool visible=true) |
| Constructor.
| ThreeDItem (const ThreeDItem &a) |
| Copy constructor.
| ThreeDItem (const KConfigGroup *plo, double x0, double y0, double width, double height, unsigned colorFrame, unsigned colorGrid, unsigned colorData, GridMode gridMode) |
| Constructor.
| ~ThreeDItem () |
| Destructor.
virtual QRectF | boundingRect () const override |
| Calculates bounding rectangle.
double | boxX () const |
| Returns x box width in cm.
double | boxY () const |
| Returns y box width in cm.
double | boxZ () const |
| Returns z box width in cm.
unsigned | colorData () const |
| Returns color for data.
double | deltaX () const |
| Returns x step size of grid.
double | deltaZ () const |
| Returns z step size of grid.
void | exportTable (QTextStream &stream, char separator, char format, int precision) const |
| Exports value table to file.
int | expZ () const |
| Returns logarithm of normalization factor for z axis.
double | fX () const |
| Returns normalization factor for x values.
double | fY () const |
| Returns normalization factor for y values.
double | fZ () const |
| Returns normalization factor for z values.
bool | logZ () const |
| Returns true for logarithmic z axis.
int | minTicZ () const |
| Returns number of intervals between major tics of z axis.
Mode3D | mode3D () const |
| Returns 0 for lines parallel to x, 1 for lines parallel to z, 2 for x,z grid.
int | numDigZ () const |
| Returns number of digits for z axis.
void | paintCond (QPainter *painter, PSGraph *ps=nullptr) const |
| Paints or calculates bounding area.
double | phi () const |
| Returns angle of rotation about y axis in deg.
void | setBoxX (double width) |
| Sets x box width in cm.
void | setBoxY (double width) |
| Sets y box width in cm.
void | setBoxZ (double width) |
| Sets z box width in cm.
void | setColorData (unsigned color) |
| Sets color for data.
void | setDeltaX (double dx) |
| Sets x step size of grid.
void | setDeltaZ (double dz) |
| Sets z step size of grid.
void | setExpZ (int e) |
| Sets exponent of z normalization factor.
void | setFX (double fx) |
| Sets x normalization factor.
void | setFY (double fy) |
| Sets y normalization factor.
void | setFZ (double fz) |
| Sets z normalization factor.
void | setLogZ (bool logZ) |
| Sets logarithmic mode of z axis.
void | setMinTicZ (int minTicZ) |
| Sets number of intervals between major tics of z axis.
void | setMode3D (Mode3D mode3D) |
| Sets 3D mode.
void | setNumDigZ (int numDigZ) |
| Sets number of digits for z axis.
void | setPhi (double phi) |
| Sets angle of rotation about y axis.
void | setProperties (const QTransform &m) |
| Sets properties according to transformation matrix.
void | setShowFrame (bool showFrame) |
| Sets frame mode.
void | setTextZ (const QString &text) |
| Sets z axis text.
void | setTheta (double theta) |
| Sets angle of rotation about y axis.
void | setXRef (double xRef) |
| Sets x position of center of box bottom plane.
void | setYRef (double yRef) |
| Sets y position of center of box bottom plane.
void | setZMax (double zMax) |
| Sets upper z data limit.
void | setZMin (double zMin) |
| Sets lower z data limit.
void | setZTic (double zTic) |
| Sets z tic distance.
bool | showFrame () const |
| Returns true for shown frame.
QString | textZ () const |
| Returns z axis text.
double | theta () const |
| Returns angle of rotation about y axis in deg.
void | update () |
| Applies changes and forces redrawing.
void | writePlo (KConfigGroup *plo) const |
| Writes into plot file.
double | xRef () const |
| Returns x position of center of box bottom plane.
double | yRef () const |
| Returns y position of center of box bottom plane.
double ** | yValues () const |
| Returns pointer to y value array.
double | zMax () const |
| Returns upper z data limit user units.
double | zMin () const |
| Returns lower z data limit user units.
double | zTic () const |
| Returns distance between major tics of z axis.
| FrameItem (double x0=4, double y0=3, double width=15, double height=10, unsigned colorFrame=0, unsigned colorGrid=0, bool logX=false, bool logY=false, GridMode gridMode=AxesWithLabels, double xMax=15, double yMax=10, const QString &textX=QString(), const QString &textY=QString(), const QString &header=QString(), double relSize=1, int numDigX=-1, int numDigY=-1, int minTicX=5, int minTicY=2, int expX=0, int expY=0, double xMin=0, double yMin=0, double xTic=5, double yTic=2, bool collapsed=false, bool visible=true, double xOffset=0, double yOffset=0, bool xBottom=true, bool xTop=false, bool yLeft=true, bool yRight=false) |
| Constructor.
| FrameItem (const FrameItem &a) |
| Copy constructor.
| FrameItem (const KConfigGroup *plo, double x0=4, double y0=3, double width=15, double height=10, unsigned colorFrame=0, unsigned colorGrid=0, GridMode gridMode=AxesWithLabels) |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~FrameItem () |
| Destructor.
void | autoScale (double xmi, double xma, double fx, double ymi, double yma, double fy) |
| Calculates and sets the scaling parameters.
void | autoScale (bool autoNorm=true) |
| Calculates and sets the scaling parameters.
bool | calcAutoScale (bool autoNorm, const QList< QGraphicsItem * > &items, double &fx, double &fy) |
| Calculates scaling parameters for a frame item and all its child items.
QRectF | clipRect () const |
| Returns clipping rectangle.
unsigned | colorFrame () const |
| Returns color for frame and labels.
unsigned | colorGrid () const |
| Returns color for grids and tics.
int | expX () const |
| Returns logarithm of normalization factor for x axis.
int | expY () const |
| Returns logarithm of normalization factor for y axis.
GridMode | gridMode () const |
| Returns grid mode.
QString | header () const |
| Returns heading text.
double | height () const |
| Returns height in cm.
bool | collapsed () const |
| Returns collapse state for list view.
bool | logX () const |
| Returns true for logarithmic x axis.
bool | logY () const |
| Returns true for logarithmic y axis.
QPointF | mapFromUser (const QPointF &p) const |
| Maps from user to pixel coordinates.
QPointF | mapToUser (const QPointF &p) const |
| Maps from pixel to user coordinates.
QRectF | mapToUser (const QRectF &rect) const |
| Maps from pixel to user coordinates.
int | minTicX () const |
| Returns number of intervals between major tics of x axis.
int | minTicY () const |
| Returns number of intervals between major tics of y axis.
double | normX () const |
| Returns normalization factor for x values.
double | normY () const |
| Returns normalization factor for y values.
int | numDigX () const |
| Returns number of digits for x axis.
int | numDigY () const |
| Returns number of digits for y axis.
QPointF | rectPos () const |
| Returns position in cm units.
void | setColorFrame (unsigned color) |
| Sets color for frame and labels.
void | setColorGrid (unsigned color) |
| Sets color for grids and tics.
void | setExpX (int expX) |
| Sets exponent of x normalization factor.
void | setExpY (int expY) |
| Sets exponent of y normalization factor.
void | setGridMode (GridMode gridMode) |
| Sets grid mode.
void | setHeight (double height) |
| Sets height.
void | setLogX (bool logX) |
| Sets logarithmic mode of x axis.
void | setLogY (bool logY) |
| Sets logarithmic mode of y axis.
void | setMinTicX (int minTicX) |
| Sets number of intervals between major tics of x axis.
void | setMinTicY (int minTicY) |
| Sets number of intervals between major tics of y axis.
void | setNumDigX (int numDigX) |
| Sets number of digits for x axis.
void | setNumDigY (int numDigY) |
| Sets number of digits for y axis.
void | setProperties (const QTransform &m) |
| Sets properties according to transformation matrix.
void | setHeader (const QString &text) |
| Sets heading text.
void | setTextX (const QString &text) |
| Sets x axis text.
void | setTextY (const QString &text) |
| Sets y axis text.
void | setWidth (double width) |
| Sets width.
void | setX0 (double x0) |
| Sets left page margin.
void | setXBottom (bool xBottom) |
| Sets bottom side label mode.
void | setXMax (double xMax) |
| Sets upper x data limit.
void | setXMin (double xMin) |
| Sets lower x data limit.
void | setXOffset (double xOffset) |
| Sets x offset.
void | setXTic (double xTic) |
| Sets x tick distance.
void | setXTop (bool xTop) |
| Sets top side label mode.
void | setY0 (double y0) |
| Sets bottom page margin.
void | setYLeft (bool yLeft) |
| Sets left side label mode.
void | setYMax (double yMax) |
| Sets upper y data limit.
void | setYMin (double yMin) |
| Sets lower y data limit.
void | setYOffset (double yOffset) |
| Sets y offset.
void | setYRight (bool yRight) |
| Sets right side label mode.
void | setYTic (double yTic) |
| Sets y tick distance.
QPointF | steps () const |
| Returns user units steps for one pixel steps.
QString | textX () const |
| Returns x axis text.
QString | textY () const |
| Returns y axis text.
void | toggleCollapsed () |
| Toggles collapse state.
void | update () |
| Applies changes and forces redrawing.
void | updatePos (QPointF p) |
| Sets position.
bool | valid (double x, double y) const |
| Checks coordinates for validity.
double | width () const |
| Returns width in cm.
void | writePlo (KConfigGroup *plo) const |
| Writes into plot file.
double | x0 () const |
| Returns left page margin in cm.
bool | xBottom () const |
| Returns true for x axis labels on bottom side.
double | xMax () const |
| Returns x value of right data window margin in user units.
double | xMin () const |
| Returns x value of left data window margin in user units.
double | xOffset () const |
| Returns offset for first major x tick.
double | xTic () const |
| Returns distance between major tics of x axis.
bool | xTop () const |
| Returns true for x axis labels on top side.
double | y0 () const |
bool | yLeft () const |
| Returns true for y axis labels on left side.
bool | yRight () const |
| Returns true for y axis labels on right side.
double | yMax () const |
| Returns y value of upper data window margin in user units.
double | yMin () const |
| Returns y value of lower data window margin in user units.
double | yOffset () const |
| Returns offset for first major y tick.
double | yTic () const |
| Returns distance between major tics of y axis.
| KplItem (double relSize=1) |
| Constructor.
| KplItem (const KplItem &a) |
| Copy constructor.
| KplItem (const KConfigGroup *plo) |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~KplItem () |
| Destructor.
void | readPlo (const KConfigGroup *plo) |
| Initializes corresponding to plot file.
double | relSize () const |
| Returns relative size of item.
void | setRelSize (double relSize) |
| Sets relative size of item.
void | writePlo (KConfigGroup *plo, bool visible=true) const |
| Writes into plot file.
void | unload () |
| Unloads y function library.
void | axis3D (QPainter *painter, double vMin, double vMax, double tic, int minTic, double f, double scale, double xAxis, double zAxis, double ticLen, int numDig, Axis axis, bool log, PSGraph *ps=nullptr) const |
| Plots 3D axis.
void | drawText (QPainter *painter, const QString &text, double x, double y, TextItem::Alignment alignment, PSGraph *ps, double dir=0) const |
| Plots text.
void | frame3D (QPainter *painter, int iBack, PSGraph *ps=nullptr) const |
| Plots 3D frame.
void | line3D (QPainter *painter, double x1, double y1, double z1, double x2, double y2, double z2, PSGraph *ps=nullptr) const |
| Draws line in 3D space.
void | plotArray3D (QPainter *painter, PSGraph *ps=nullptr) const |
| Plots 3D data.
void | plot3D (QPainter *painter, bool xArray, bool yArray, bool zArray, const double *xData, const double *yData, const double *zData, double xScale, double yScale, double zScale, bool firstLine, int n, double xOffset, double yOffset, double *vertex, PSGraph *ps=nullptr) const |
| Plots curve in 3D space.
void | plotArray (QPainter *painter, const double *x, const double *y, int n, PSGraph *ps=nullptr) const |
| Plots array.
void | raster3d (QPainter *painter, PSGraph *ps=nullptr) const |
| Draws frame and axes of 3D plot.
void | setProperties () |
| Sets properties according to transformation matrix.
double | xFrom3d (double x, double z) const |
| Calculates 2D x value.
double | yFrom3d (double x, double y, double z) const |
| Calculates 2D y value.
void | drawText (QPainter *painter, const QString &text, double x, double y, TextItem::Alignment alignment, double dir=0) const |
| Plots text.
double | incLog (double &x, double f) const |
| Increment logarithm for next major axis tick.
virtual void | mouseReleaseEvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) override |
| Updates position.
int | number (double v, int numDig, QString &label) const |
| Prepares number label.
void | paintCond (QPainter *painter) const |
| Paints or calculates bounding area.
void | setProperties () |
| Sets properties according to transformation matrix.
double | tick (double tic, bool log) const |
| Calculates actual distance between major tics.
QPen & | changePenWidth (QPen &pen, double width) const |
| Changes pen width.
QPen | createPen (QGraphicsItem *item, unsigned color=0, PenType penType=DataPen, Symbol symbol=SolidLine) const |
| Creates pen for plot item.
double | penWidth (const QGraphicsItem *item, PenType penType=DataPen) const |
| Calculates pen width for plot item.